Wednesday, January 31, 2007

John Pemberton, one of Professor Deb's good friends from InsightExpress will be here on Tuesday, February 6th at 1:30 PM to speak with BA/MA and MA students about getting economics jobs in marketing research and sales research. This could be a very good opportunity for those of you who are looking to find economics jobs outside of Wall St. and academia.

To learn more about InsightExpress, and how they develop marketing research and tools to help businesses fine-tune their strategies in real-time, visit them at:

Accion Risk Analyst Position Available

This may be a good opportunity for some of the students nearing completion of the BA or MA degree.

Best Regards,
Ken Lord

Hello. My name is Amelia Lobo; I work for Anne Sormani at Accion New York. I would like to take this opportunity to announce that we are looking for an Underwriter/
Risk Analyst. This is a very exciting opportunity for those of you interested in microfinance. The job posting is available at

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Goldman Sachs Information Session

I received the following from Paula Wicklow, just as a heads up to you, Saturday is January 27th, not January 29th.

Dear Students:

We have just been notified of an Information Session on summer internships being held by Goldman Sachs on Thursday, January 25 from 6-8 pm at their headquarters. In order to attend, you must RSVP to by 12pm on
Tuesday, January 23. Include your full name, school, month and year of graduation, major GPA and attach a copy of your resume. Professional dress is required.

In addition, to apply for summer internships with Goldman Sachs, apply online to by 11:59pm on Saturday, January 29. Summer internships are in Operations, Technology, Finance and Service areas.

For questions and additional information, please contact Paula Wicklow at 212-772-4832,

I hope all of you had happy holidays, and look forward to seeing you on Monday.

Best Regards,
Ken Lord