Monday, January 09, 2006

Two announcements

From Prof. Conning:

Hi all,

Just a reminder that this Thursday January 12th is the date of the Eco
701 exam. It will be held at 7:20pm in the usual room. The practice exam
offers a good model of what it might look like.

For those of you who are unable to make it this Thursday because you are traveling or other reasons, the college provides for a MAKEUP EXAM in early February (they set Feb 4-5, but I may make it somewhere around February 7th (you have to take one or the other, you cannot take both!)

I will honor either exam option and, if anything, I actually prefer to grade exams in February (since as it is I will have to grade the January exams on a plane on my way to Tanzania on Friday).

If you prefer the the February option, please email me. Per the instructions from the Dean, you would then be temporarily assigned an INComplete when I submit the other grades, until you makeup with a February exam.

I will try to hold office hours on Wednesday 2-3:30pm and will post confirmation to the website and Blackboard. Sorry I don't have time to write answers to the practice final. Hunter's 'urban' server, which hosts the class website was down, but hopefully it will be up again soon.



Opportunity to earn some extra money:

An MA student is needed to proctor an exam this Thursday from 6:20 to 8:20. It is paid, but I don't know how much. Those interested can e-mail Prof. Honig at this address.

Hope everyone had a good holiday,

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