Monday, November 13, 2006

Multiple Items

As a reminder, Dr. Filer is conducting a workshop on applying to PhD programs Tuesday at 9:30 pm in 1537.

The conference room has been reserved from 1:30-4:30 for a study group for Financial Economics (ECO 760)

On November 29th at 6pm, in 1537 (conference room), Nikola Duravcevic, a Portfolio Manager from the Seneca Capital Group will be holding an informal session on how to get jobs after you graduate.

The new computer is in the TA office (many thanks to Dr. Honig and ICIT), while TA work has priority, you are welcome to use either computer if you need to utilize any of the installed programs. Please note there are guidelines (behind the monitor) as to where you need to save items if you want them to be backed up before the computers undergo periodic re-imaging.

Best Regards,
Ken Lord

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Job opening at ACCION

Recent BA/MA alumnus Anne Sormani, who has already been very successful at ACCION New York, is looking to hire more Hunter students to work in microfinance. She writes:
... I am also looking for a Business Systems Analyst, which I thought could be of interest to a recent graduate (undergrad or grad students). If you would like to forward on this email to someone you know please feel free.
Description of the position

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Course Offerings Spring 07

Course # Code Title Day Time Professor

703 4738 Macroeconomic Theory Wednesday 5:30 Thurston
722 3032 Econometrics Thursday 5:30 Deb
723 4401 Time Series Monday 7:30 Makram
732 4215 Economic Growth Thursday 7:30 Kearney
748 4735 Health Economics Wednesday 7:30 Tennant
756 4381 Law & Economics Monday 5:30 George
761 4384 Adv. Concepts in Financial Markets Tuesday 7:30 Thompson
762 4216 Corporate Governance Tuesday 5:30 Nyman

Please note that there will be other 700 level courses listed in the on-line schedule. These will be MA courses for the new ACCOUNTING program and may not be used for the MA in economics.

As before, please respond by return e-mail indicating your desired courses. You MUST include in the e-mail your name, ID Number, and status (matriculated MA or BA/MA at Hunter, nonmatriculated, BA only or other). the reason for this new requirement will be obvious in a couple of lines.

As always, registration permissions will be allocated in the following order:

1) Matriculated Hunter Students in the order received
2) Non-matriculated Graduate students
3) Hunter undergraduates
4) Permit students from other colleges.

The college has not yet found a room for Econ 703. If they do not do so, we will have to teach it in the Economics Department conference room. In that case, there will be a STRICT limit of 25 students, which will bind very early. (Of course, if we have requests for many more than that, it will increase the odds that they will find a larger room). If we must stick to the low limit, Dr. Filer will violate the order received priority to accommodate students who plan on graduating by January 2008.