Monday, November 13, 2006

Multiple Items

As a reminder, Dr. Filer is conducting a workshop on applying to PhD programs Tuesday at 9:30 pm in 1537.

The conference room has been reserved from 1:30-4:30 for a study group for Financial Economics (ECO 760)

On November 29th at 6pm, in 1537 (conference room), Nikola Duravcevic, a Portfolio Manager from the Seneca Capital Group will be holding an informal session on how to get jobs after you graduate.

The new computer is in the TA office (many thanks to Dr. Honig and ICIT), while TA work has priority, you are welcome to use either computer if you need to utilize any of the installed programs. Please note there are guidelines (behind the monitor) as to where you need to save items if you want them to be backed up before the computers undergo periodic re-imaging.

Best Regards,
Ken Lord

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