In anticipation of this mid-autumn downer, I am asking for those of you interested in attending several study group sessions (one for each class) to send me the following information:
My e-mail:
- E-mail address along with your name (I can probably guess who is, but your real name would make it easier)
- Grad classes that you are currently enrolled in
- Highest level math course taken (this is in the interest of appointing a facilitator for each group, and in my experience, the math whiz was the best go-to person for everybody)
- Preferred location to meet (i.e., coffee shop in the immediate environs versus Hunter Library)
The first round of sessions will take place the first week of October. Also, I'll compile e-mail addresses by class - that way, members can exchange questions/answers when you're not able to make the group.
I'll see to it that a space is reserved, and notifications go out to everybody. Remember, this will only work as well as the number of people involved - the more the merrier.
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