Monday, October 17, 2005

A few announcements

Econometrics (721) class cancelled this Thursday (10/20)

Per Prof. Deb, class will be cancelled this Thursday. The due date for Homework 4 has been pushed back to October 27th.

Lunchtime seminar this Wednesday

Prof. Chernick has extended an invitation to all BA/MA and MA students to attend the following seminar:

Wednesday October 19 th 11:30 - 1 pm Rajeev Dehejia (job market candidate) "The Business Cycle and Babies' Health: Further Results."

Location: 1537 Hunter West

I'd like to add that this seminar and the one I attended today both use regression methods that are similar to the ones that we are learning in class....those of you that are starved to see how econometrics can be applied to the real world would be well-advised to attend.

Society for Economics Agenda suggestions

The executive committee and others that are interested are in the midst of developing an agenda for our first official meeting. While Eric, Ledi, and myself have ideas about what needs to be done this year, your suggestions are both welcomed and appreciated. If you'd like to see something discussed, please email me.

In particular, I'd love to hear about how you'd like our new Society webpage to look.

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