The transit strike has complicated everything.
Since it looks quite likely that the strike will extend into tomorrow Thursday, we need to consider contingent strategies to find a solution to what could be a complicated coordination game (which as you know can have multiple and inefficient equilibria).
These are the strategies we should be focusing on:
1) If the strike ends before noon on Thursday, proceed with the exam as scheduled for Thursday evening.
2) If the strike does not end before noon on Thursday, then either:
2.A) Follow Hunter's instructions and reschedule the exam to January 16th.
2.B) An exam in early February.
I could offer both 2A and 2B, but they would be different exams.
If you have received this email could you please email back to give me a sense of your preferred alternative. Please also let me know if you have access to blackboard. I will then dictatorially decide based on the feedback I get and report back.
Please understand that I have about 125 students this semester and like you many other work commitments in the month ahead. I cannot offer individualized exams and test dates. We need to find a focal point (or two) for the class.
Jonathan Conning
P.S. -- No evening review session tonight.
From Prof. Deb:
Enough people are in favor of an exam tomorrow (with another one in late
Jan. or early Feb inevitable). You can decide, but for tomorrow, start anytime from 12noon - 5pm tomorrow - earlier is better for me. From my experience yesterday and from what I've heard, you are better off travelling after 11am and trying to leave before 4pm (avoid normal commuting traffic).
Otherwise, there will be another chance in late Jan. or early Feb.
No exam on Jan 12.
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