Friday, September 16, 2005

Econ MA Scholarship Opportunity - Urgent response required

Please note that this is only relevant for MA students paying graduate tuition.

Profs. Filer and Honig send the following:

We are pleased to inform you that you may be eligible for scholarship aid made available by Hunter College and CUNY to defray some of the increases in graduate student tuition approved by the CUNY Board of Trustees for fall 2005.We all want to assist you in every way we can to stay in school and successfully complete your studies. As you may recall, President Raab wrote a memo to you in early July detailing the various financial assistance options open to you at Hunter College. Our aim in writing at this time is to reinforce her earlier note and to encourage you to apply for this worthwhile scholarship.To begin the process, log on to this link. Once you are on the financial aid page, click on Hunter College Scholarships Application.Simply fill out and submit the on-line scholarship application by October 14, 2005 and you will be notified of your eligibility at the earliest opportunity.We sincerely hope this source of financial support will help you succeed in your studies.

In other words - free money. Apply.

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