Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Brown Bag Seminar

From Professor Conning

The Hunter Economics Brown Bag Seminar series has started up again. The talks will be held every other Thursday from 11:30am-1pm in the Economics Seminar room. All Hunter BA/MA students are very welcome and encouraged to attend. This semesters talks are focused on public finance (Brunner, Rockoff), macro (Westelius), and some very interesting demographic issues in economic development (Lagerlof, Baker, Kazianga).



Oct 5th

Eric Brunner (Quinnipiac College)

Tiebout Choice and Universal School Vouchers

Oct 19th

Nils-Petter Lagerlöf (York U and Brown U)

War and genocide: is there a connection to transitions from stagnation to growth?

Nov 2nd

Matt Baker (Hunter College)

Technological Progress, Property Rights, and Population Growth: A Structural Model of the Transition to Agriculture.

Nov 16th

Jonah Rockoff (GSB, Columbia)
Title to be announced.

Nov 30th

Harounan Kazianga (Columbia and The World Bank)
The Intra-household Economics of Polygyny: Fertility and Child Mortality in Rural Mali

Dec 14th

Niklas Westelius (Hunter College)

Imperfect Transparency and Optimal Monetary Policy

The website with the papers is available here: http://urban.hunter.cuny.edu/RePEc/seminar/

You might want to mention that Hunter Faculty are also involved in organizing or presenting the seminars in two other series:

The Friday 1pm Labor, Education and Health Seminar and the Tuesday 11:45am Applied Economics Seminar
both held in room 5383 at the Graduate Center. Worth highlighting is a talk by Nobel Laureate Joseph Stiglitz to be held at the Graduate Center
Tuesday Oct 31 (Room C201&C202) entitled "A Modest Proposal for the Reform of the Global Financial System."

I've also made a public Google Calendar that lists the talks from all three series in one place.

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