Monday, October 16, 2006

ECO 721 Study Group

After conferring with both students and professors, I have arranged for the conference room (1537 HW) to be available for an ECO721 study group on Wednesday from 1:30-4:30. The study group will not be led/moderated. While we are happy to answer specific questions, your ability to succeed, especially in 722, will be strongly correlated to your ability to study, research, and learn in a more peer-oriented and individual manner. I realize that the time may not be convienent for you, however there are significant limitations on the availability of the conference room this semester.

*It has come to my attention there will be a fire drill at approximately 1:30, you may wish to wait until the drill is completed before beginning your review.

Best Regards,
Ken Lord

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so how about posting the video of the classes. That would be an even bigger help.