Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Attention law and econo-nerds

As if there weren't enough literature from class to satisfy your appetites, I thought I'd draw your attention to a blog being run by the big dogs themselves, Gary Becker and Richard Posner. I've browsed through a couple of their postings, and while I carry the humble opinion that our blog contains much richer content, Becker and Posner hold their own discussing various contemporary issues. As an aside, I'm all for posting the mugs of various contributors on this blog as well.

Here's the link - it'll also be posted permanently under 'econ on the web':


For somewhat ego-inflated postings that also discuss economic issues, here's Brad DeLong's blog:


Speaking of egos, if you're like me and yours took a bruising after this round of midterms, feel free to join me for a drink this Wednesday night at (where else) the Phoenix Park pub after 6:00 p.m. Professors are more than welcome to join us as well.

Feeling like being an economist is not your speed? I know the feeling. This site may provide some solace. How is being a cowboy the number 3 worst job?

Are you kidding me?

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