Saturday, November 19, 2005

Internship Opportunity at the UN

Jorge Vargas, a fellow undergrad, is the one to thank for the following (and Prof. Filer for the distribution):

My name is Jorge Vargas and I am an Undergraduate Econ major at Hunter College. My wife works at the UNDP - Human Development Report Office (HDRO) and they are looking for an intern to assist the Statisticians in the elaboration of the report.

Although the internship is not paid, we both thought this would be a good opportunity for a Hunter student to gain some experience and networking connections.

While HDRO would prefer a graduate student, they would consider an excellent undergrad. I know they are looking at other universities, too, so I trust you would be able to reach as many qualified candidates as possible in short time. My wife is copied in this message since she is the focal point to receive all applications. She can be contacted for further details at:

For those of you that did not receive the e-mail, and would like to see the description of the internship, e-mail me, and I'll forward you a copy.

Awesome, Jorge. Many thanks.

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