Tuesday, November 15, 2005

More announcements.......

First, the new Spring graduate schedule has been distributed by Prof. Filer. If you did not receive his e-mail, and you're a part of the BA/MA or MA program, please send him a message and he'll add you to the distribution list.

Here are the courses being offered next semester:

Econ 703 - Macroeconomics Mondays 5:30 - 7:20 Professor Sangeeta Pratap

Econ 722 - Econometrics Thursdays 5:30 - 7:20 Professor Deb

Econ 710 - Monetary Theory Tuesdays 7:30 - 920 Professor Thapar

Econ 715 - Public Finance Mondays 7:30 - 9:20 Professor Balsam

Econ 730 - Development Economics Wednesdays 7:30 - 9:20 Professor Filer

Econ 741 - International Finance Thursdays 7:30 - 9:20 Professor Kearney

There are additional, helpful comments included in Prof. Filer's e-mail. If you need me to forward it to you, please let me know. Also, for those of you that want to avoid the time-dependent extortion that takes place in our bookstore, I'll hopefully be posting the required textbooks soon.

TA Positions for the Spring Semester

From Prof. Filer:

Dear MA and BA/MA students:

Once again the department will have TA slots available for the spring semester. These will be assigned to all double sections of 100, 200, and 201. Each slot will involve about 6 hours of direct contact a week (prep time will be extra) and pay about $2475 for the semester.If you are interested, please respond to me BY DECEMBER 1st with the following information:

ID Number
Courses (and sections) you are interested in being a TA for
Days of the weeks and hours in each of these days you ARE AVAILABLE to
attend classes and/or hold office hours.

Once I have your responses, I will circulate the information to faculty teaching these sections for their preferences and begin the matching process.

Randy Filer

Last announcement

The semester is quickly winding down, and the Society for Economics is looking to have an end-of-the-year bash. We're looking for feedback as to when and where. While I can't positively promise a lot of money from our funds for the event, I will say that each time we've gone out everybody's had a good time. Again, your feedback is important - especially when it comes to scheduling a time that everyone has free.

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