Monday, November 28, 2005

Micro Update

Um, what's up with Melanie and the shotgun? We couldn't get her away from it.

From Prof. Conning:

Dear everyone in 701,

I've posted problem set 4 to the web link and I've set the due date in slightly under two weeks time: Thursday December 8th.

It covers materials from Chapter 12 (General Equilibrium/Edgeworth boxes) as well as 13 (Monopoly), 14(other types of imperfect competition) and Chapter 15 (Game Theory).

Some of you have asked me if you should read all the material in the chapters given that we have such limited class meeting time. I've identified sections of the textbook below that you can safely skim or ignore because we will not cover it in class (except perhaps for a brief in-class mention that will show up in the notes):

CH 9, Skim lightly (basically know how to setup and solve profit maximization but don't worry about elasticity rules)
CH 10, Skim (you should know this from earlier courses)
CH 11, Skim (you should know this from earlier courses)
CH 12, can skim/skip 349-356 on Existence
CH 21, just read 610-615
CH 15, can skip 463-467 on Games of Incomplete Information

See you next Thursday (we will wrap up General Equilibrium and Welfare and move into Imperfect Competition and Games),

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As I announced last class, I've reset the due date for this Problem Set to December 15th to allow us to cover the required game theory material in class. -- Jonathan Conning