Thursday, December 15, 2005

Microeconomics Announcement

From Prof. Conning:

Several Eco 701 updates:

(1) TODAY'S CLASS (last class). I will cover some more game theory material and material from Chapter 18 (on risk sharing). Better that we cover this material properly than rush to start something entirely new (so I've cut out chapter 20). We will also talk about content and study strategies for the final.

(2) NEW ONLINE MATERIALS: via the reading schedule:
(refresh your cache if you don't see the new links)

(a) A practice final exam (an actual exam from a few years ago). As you can see, it's cumulative. You should recognize a problem or two from the midterm.

(b) updated lecture notes from last class. These are somewhat more detailed than the slides I used in class (reflecting material I wrote on blackboards or things that came up during discussion).

(c) I have prepared answers to the last problem set and will post them tonight after you turn in your assignments.


Tamara has offered to hold office hours Monday from 5-7 and Tuesday from 3-5.

I will hold office hours next week Tuesday 2-3:30pm and Wednesday 6-8pm. I have also been answering several questions via email. I will start posting some of these answers to blackboard (I'll make the question poser anonymous).

(4)EXAM: From what I can figure out our final exam will be at 7:30pm on December 22 (check registrar's final exam schedule and tell me if you read it differently:

See you in class tonight.


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