Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Pre-exam 721 Study Session Tomorrow

There will be a pre-exam study group convening in the Economics Department conference room at 2:00 pm tomorrow. The room number is 1537 (15th floor) in the Hunter West building.

A few suggestions to get you ready:

  • Go over the first exam. This will be a good refresher for the analytical portion of the test.
  • Go over the all of the previous homeworks. You'd also be well-advised to review the "Stata - Basics by Example I and II" on Professor Deb's website.
  • Whatever you do, don't freak out and make things too complicated. I recall one student last year created quadratic terms for what should have been a linear term.......a few parabolas later, he ran out of time, and failed to complete the test.

Also, the answers for homework 5 have been posted. Homework 6 will not be available until tomorrow, but IV estimations will not be on the exam.

Good luck tomorrow.

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