Thursday, December 22, 2005

Microeconomics Exam to be held Jan. 12th

From Prof. Conning:


Since it is now past midnight and there is no sign of the transit strike ending by tomorrow morning, I will simply follow Hunter's contingency plan and hold the exam on Thursday January 12th.

Most of you who wrote have told me that you prefer January 12th as the date for holding the exam. For the few of you who will be out of the country and absolutely cannot make the 12th, I will have to assign an INComplete by the January 18th grading deadline. We can change that to a grade as soon as you can take the exam in early February on a date to be announced.

Obviously this all makes everybody's life a bit more complicated, but on the bright side now you can spend even more time enjoying studying for Eco 701 ; )

Have a nice break,


P.S. -- Since several of you have already told me how your studying has been disrupted by all this uncertainty, let me commit to this announcement. In other words, if we all wake up and find the strike is off tomorrow at 8am, we will still just stick to the January 12th makeup date.

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